Thursday, April 21, 2011

WONDERCON 2011 pics

some wonder con photos, that i just got in an email!

nate, konstantin, ben and I stayed busy drawing, and people were happy

thanks Elora!

Thursday, April 07, 2011


and i put this together to try and show anyone curious some of my thoughts. this is a painting about triangles, i could draw even more red triangles, but i guess you get the point...

and a sorta of simple value pattern.

i was very concerned about the power of triangles. they are pointy and aggresive and can really "abuse" the eyes by shooting them around a picture too fast. so i thoght constantly about eye flow in this picture.

i'd like to render it some more still and maybe change some things

Sunday, April 03, 2011

wondercon 2011 *update*

the incredible wierdness of wondercon continues, we are selling a lot of books and doing cool drawings in them!

and then these guys...