I made a book at the beginning of summer. It seemed like a good idea. I just thought it would be a cool art time capsule for myself as well as make me a few dollars. Some people seem to like it though! It is black and white, about 120 pages and has a lot of drawings.
And now Stuart Ng, one of my favorite places to go to get cool art books is carrying some copies, so if you want to get one, click on the link!
(However if you only have money for 1 book, buy the new Claire Wendling Book Daisies, it is amazing! And if you have money for 2 books, buy Peter Deseve’s book!....)
some pictures;

brilliant. Cant wait to have a look through it
Hey George!!
How much for shipping to Brazil?
awesome im gonna pick that up real soon
It's pretty sweet that Stuart Ng is carrying it, now you're gonna be rich!
Fuck yes man! Finally! I will try and get this one! Congrats
love those weird food caricatures
Hey George , been a long fan of your stuff ! I was in the portfolio review room during the last spring show but was wasn't really able to come over to your table and introduce myself ! Great stuff on the blog man , you are definitely an inspiration!
It is very interesting for me to read that article. Thank you for it. I like such themes and everything connected to this matter. I would like to read a bit more soon.
can't tell you how refreshing it is to see someone draw so well. stunning sketches throughout your whole blog
Hello George!
AWESOME DRAWINGS!!! Very inspiring! Looking forward to viewing more!
Let me have one.
Can I trade you a sandwich or two for a copy? You should make another, with the singular theme of ALL your weirdo monsters and call it "Monster Sandwich".
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thanks for the copy George! FLipped through it again recently and am digging it.
Looks like they are all gone at Ng.
Do you have a copy you could mail me directly and we do the pay via paypal or something?
I have a copy, nice book!
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Book is brilliant!
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The information here is great. I will invite my friends here.
hey man, Id love to get a couple copies of your book, if you arent wildly sold out at the moment.
ps i moved to SF for a year, so itd be cool to go draw or do a trade in person!
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